Deno Alosaur JTW Authentication

The Lost Developer
2 min readDec 20, 2020

As of this year, I have script NodeJS as my go to Backend in favour of Deno, and Alosaur the perfect replacement for Express/NestJs.

Let’s be clear, both Deno and Alosaur is relatively new so it’s still in development stages. However, you can use today thanks to the recently added security module and Deno Redis integration.


Deno 1.6

Out of the Box Alosaur supports both “JWT” and “Cookies”, but only cookies are really ready to use. So with a few tweaks you can use JTW + redis as the session storage.

First you need to setup Redis, if you already have a redis server then skip this step. But here how to set it up wio

version: "3.2"services:
container_name: redis
image: redis
restart: always
- "6379:6379"

Next we need to implement Alosaur SessionStore using Redis

Next create a JTW.ts file. This will implement the Authentication Scheme

Finally to register the security module your application code should look like the following

const app = new App({areas: [AuthenticationArea],logging: false,});const sessionStore = new RedisSession('', 6379);await sessionStore.init();const authMiddleware = new AuthMiddleware( [JWTSchema],);const sessionMiddleware = new SessionMiddleware(sessionStore,{ secret: 1122n, maxAge: DAYS_30, path: "/" },);app.use(new RegExp("/"), sessionMiddleware);app.use(new RegExp("/"), authMiddleware);app.useSecurityContext();app.listen();

You can find an working example on github: Jordan-Hall/alosaur-jwt-redis: Example of using Deno Alosaur and JTW with help from Redis (

